FFMPEG – Diffuser un flux ip multicast en adaptative smooth streaming
Un petit script bien utile pour délivrer un flux video multicast en adaptative smooth streaming :
#!/bin/sh ##Délais avant relance suite à une déconnexion entre la machine diffusant le flux adaptative et le serveur recevant les flux SPAWN_DELAY=15 ##Flux en entrée (ici du multicast) avec un cache de 100000 INPUT='udp://' ##Serveur de publication des flux Smooth Streaming PUBPOINT=http://smooth.publication.tv/flux/smooth.isml FFMPEG_OPTIONS="-movflags isml+frag_keyframe -f ismv -threads 0" ##Paramètres audio des flux Smooth AUDIO_OPTIONS="-c:a libfaac -ac 2 -b:a 256k" ##Parametres video des flux Smooth VIDEO_OPTIONS="-c:v libx264 -preset:v superfast -profile:v main -level:v 3.1 -coder:v 0 -g 100 -keyint_min 100 -sc_threshold 0 - r 25" ##Filtres video VIDEO_FILTERS="-deinterlace" ##Mappage des flux MAP=" -map 0:v -b:v:0 800k -s:v:0 640x360 -map 0:v -b:v:1 1100k -s:v:1 1024x576 -map 0:v -b:v:2 1800k -s:v:2 1024x576 -map 0:a:0" while true do EVENT_ID="$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S)" PUBPOINT_OPTIONS="/Events($EVENT_ID)/Streams(video)" CMD="-y -re -i $INPUT $VIDEO_FILTERS $FFMPEG_OPTIONS $AUDIO_OPTIONS $VIDEO_OPTIONS $MAP ${PUBPOINT}${PUBPOINT_OPTIONS}" echo "" echo " **** Command line **** " echo ffmpeg $CMD echo "" ffmpeg $CMD echo "" echo " **** Process will be respawned in $SPAWN_DELAY s **** " echo " **** press Ctrl-C to abort **** " echo "" sleep $SPAWN_DELAY done
Et voilà, vous diffusez un flux en adaptative Smooth Streaming ;)
Étiquettes : audio, mac, multicast, o, smooth, smooth streaming, stream, streaming, udp, video, x